
08 - April- 2021

Vidya has a new Executive Director

Vidya has a new Executive Director

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

The Executive Committee of Vidya International Charitable Trust (VICT) has decided to effect some changes in the roles and responsibilities of the Directors of the Trust. These changes have come to effect on 1 April 2021…

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VIBE 2021: Helping plus-two students write maths exam better

VIBE 2021: Helping plus-two students write maths exam better

Author: Santumon SD

As part of Vidya Initiative for Better Engineering 2021 (VIBE 2021), Vidya organised a session on mathematics for Plus-Two students with the theme “Strategies for Cracking …

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MCA Dept signs MoU with Ansar Women's College, Perumpilavu

MCA Dept signs MoU with Ansar Women's College, Perumpilavu

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

The MCA Dept of Vidya and the Post-Graduate Dept of Computer Science, Ansar Women's College, Perumpilavu, signed a Memorandum of Understanding  …

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"IEDC Meetup 2021"

"IEDC Meetup 2021"

Author: Anil M

The IEDC of Vidya had successfully conducted several online programmes after the outbreak of the Covid pandemic. For the first time after the outbreak of the pandemic, the IEDC organised an offline programme …

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NSS's April Cool programme on April Fool day

NSS's April Cool programme on April Fool day

Author: Chithra M

Instead of celebrating 1 April 2021 as April Fool Day, the NSS volunteers of Vidya celebrated the day as "April Cool Day" thereby giving a green twist to the celebrations...

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Campus recruitment drive for CareStack

Campus recruitment drive for CareStack

Author: Chakola Paul Johny

CareStack  is an all-in-one platform on the cloud that combines dental practice management, patient engagement, practice marketing, data analytics…

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MCA Dept's Chip-to-Net workshop continues to attract students in large numbers

MCA Dept's Chip-to-Net workshop continues to attract students in large numbers

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

Initially, the faculty and staff of the MCA Dept were a little …

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EEE Dept conducts 10-day training on "Power Quality" a second time

EEE Dept conducts 10-day training on "Power Quality" a second time

Author: Dr. Mary P Varghese

After the successful completion of the first Power Quality Training Program in January 2021, the EEE Dept  organized a second edition of the 10-day programme …

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ECE faculty member completes NPTEL certification

ECE faculty member completes NPTEL certification

Author: Dr. Swapna Kumar S

Ms Sarika K T (AP, ECE Dept)  got NPTEL certification with ELITE grade for the subject Analog Circuits...

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ME faculty member serves as resource person for NAVAMI 2021

ME faculty member serves as resource person for NAVAMI 2021

Author: Webadmin

Mr Arun K L (AP, ME Dept)  delivered an online  talk on the history and philosophy of NSS and the role of NSS volunteers in society for the benefit of the NSS  …

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Studying, working, and settling in Europe: Webinar by PegaOne

Studying, working, and settling in Europe: Webinar by PegaOne

Author: Chakola Paul Johny

The Training and Placement Dept of Vidya organised a webinar on 30 March 2021 evening for the benefit of the 2021 and 2022 pass out batches of students…

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